Neila Mezynski has fiction and poetry published in several online and in print journals and is author of Glimpses, a collection of short fiction from Scrambler Books; currently, she has a pamphlet from Greying Ghost pamphlet series (#9); chapbooks from Mud Luscious Press, Short Fast And Deadly and Folded Word during 2011.
Read The Purest Girl
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Read The Purest Girl
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as text (below).
The Purest Girl
Neila Mezynski
Under the tree, green soaked grass, marshmallow feet for mountains. He makes the day sparkle. Perfect none such. Nod yes, sweet face, no adults only.
They boarded the train on chocolate brown seats, golden blinding or was it the sun. In search of vibrant thoughts, wake up calls, corn glittering on sky, no sad dreams of return.
They did go to the mountain top much to her dismay, only a pot of gold from the rainbow’s end yesterday, no grass soaked dream, or four poster bed to lay with him and count the sheep jumping over the moon with heavy handed feet. It seemed.
She bid him adieu much to her sad, he couldn’t stay he had other fields to tend, water.
He hopped across rows of yellow, his pogo stick, pointy shoes twinkling on air with currents cradling his song. Sad.
Soft mountain wise, warm dreams keep, her fevered brow, soft chewy treats. She’ll wait on sugar lined hope, his return. Never, never.
Caper Literary Journal is published by Patasola Press [Caper Books],
edited by Lisa Marie Basile.