A child stands transfixed between
galaxies, eclipsed by light under the soft
corona of stars. An umbilicus is all I know
of him. Where skin has aged like saddened
trees, he was once a part of me. But I can’t
recall what it was to love him, only
the way his fingers clung to mine
and the slow loosening that followed.
But this is just a dream where he flails
in the far off distance, amid poplars
with three point leaves, where a tourmaline
moon looks like a pregnant mother’s
belly, pure as the immaculate conception.
Carol Lynn Grellas is a four-time Pushcart nominee and a 2010 Best of the Net nominee. She is the author of four chapbooks, Breakfast in Winter (Flutter Press 2010) Litany of Finger Prayers (Pudding House Press 2009) Object of Desire (Finishing Line Press 2008), A Thousand Tiny Sorrows (March Street Press 2010) and two electronic chaps: Desired Things (Goldwake Press 2009) To the Children (Victorian Violet Press 2010). Her collection, The Epistemology of an Odd Girl will be forthcoming from Diminuendo Press. Her fifth chapbook, The Butterfly Room is soon to be released from Big Table Publishing. Carol Lynn enjoys serving on the editorial panel for Triggerfish Critical Review. She lives in El Dorado Hills California.